Monday, November 12, 2007

Monday, November 05, 2007

Found Poem

In the unlikely event of the need to cancel the eco-chili challenge,
and the explosion of teenagers

for Jared Hayes

It is a terrific phenomenon of western civilization
that, should someone want to know what
something is the broad umbrella
Think you for your time

It was a rainy day in Kenner, Louisiana when I was born.
Strauss wrote his many of his songs
for his wife, Pauline de Ahna.
She was a soprano.

As I enjoyed the nose and finish of a Llano County chardonnay and watched our Chinese guests' response to ribs and country music classics
I agreed with what Deborah Tannen said in her
essay that American society has become controversial.

Transition: What might have stopped this?

My Dear Baby,
You are such an amazing and delightful little bundle of woman
A combination of dry summers,
and laying the beds to rest for the winter,

A mess of concrete and steel bars
rest upon each other
as the sun sets and baseball
is heard in the distance.

There are times when I would be sleeping and a dream starts to happen.
[refer to the gold
At airports every passenger
“Armies and caravans into the Unknown”

I am a dedicated volunteer
unquestionably new and dizzying
a figurative puppet
coming along

an overall look at the great horned owl,
The role and importance of the horse