Monday, September 25, 2006

...Ode to the wall...oh, and to the Peterson...

Who knew MIke

the headless chicken

had been to Scottsdale

necking echoes

casin' joints

church muses

organs births vast harpsichords

a corso on every corner

always in relation

revolutions crab tuesdays troubles birds
oranges giant sea turtles remixes of eggs

meat wheels


thrown objects

hitchcocks and belvederes

all yr zodiac signs

a daft prick display

a craft lick array

a draft pick away

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

So that BoomBoom and Koshkin might live in this blog

here while I wait for the coops

a person looking into the store

meets michael and the booms

two total

boom boom

"yr groceries were roses"

gertrude grubbed
against us

so we set out with one

good ol' eye toward

ourselves boxed er

subtracted by light

um, both

both both

bout bout a pig

the farm we've left

inside us still

drafting the windows


women we'll need

to remember beaches

and those Zuk'd steeds

galloping beside us