Friday, January 26, 2007

english 102

so i just finished my first week as a college professor (so to speak) teaching 2 sections of english 102, concentration in research. my 10 am class is partitioned with participators, apathetics, insecure, stoners, and other fond categories of students. it's so bizarre stepping in front of a class and feeling as if your entire body is unzipping readily, detaching at every limb, leaving you nearly paralyzed to disclose any relevant information to people who truly care very little to listen to anything you have to contribute to their educational evolution.

after burning through all the propaganda and necessary dribble that have to drool out to their unpleasantly unreceptive ears we are going to dive into some rather interesting essays. my course is focusing on identity and the many angles of interpretation of personal, cultural, etc. identity issues. if you guys have never heard of the magazine, "Body and Society", i recommend it very much. it is a magazine devoted to investigating psychological/sociological issues in regards to the body, development, standards of perspective, etc.

anyway, what a weak, bouts of nervousness, ass explosion, excessive drinking (perhaps correlative to the prior), and overall insecurity and humiliation, my last class today was a success, people participating, getting involved, feeling perhaps interested in what was going on. on the up and up...


timarmentrout said...

right on joe, write on. congrats man.


Hayes said...

I, am jealous, and Joe you have no idea how much you are loved in Portland...Ummm and speaking of drinking binges?! can you not become just a little (a little more in my case) alcoholic after reading Poet Be LIke God!! Bring on those morning alcohol poohs and blooody spews! For I have POETRY to write!

Jamba Dunn said...

Congratulations, Joe. I just heard the news. I also just heard about your book! I'm going to buy the sucker and infring on the copyright to allow my students read a little. I can't wait.

I'm teaching a lit theory class this semester. It's going very well. Much better, in fact, than teaching comp. What's really cool is that Preziosi (henceforth: the D bomb) is going to come in and lecture to them about Deconstructive theory. I've been trying to work in a little Deleuze here and there just to prep them for the linguistic experience.

One word of possible advice: Take time out to have each of the students meet with you one-on-one. It helps to know them.

jcooper said...

thank you guys for the supporting are all loved from Buffalo. jamba, thanks for the inspiration. i was just thinking today about setting up one on ones with my students to discuss their heads...take care all and thanks again...