Monday, January 08, 2007

Like BoomBoom Sakkis, I'm Pretending it's Week Two of the SWP.

Norma Cole's Workshop July 11-14

Constellations...Rhizomes...interpret the picture/group mind....randomness/orbits/memory...fluid...identity...
history/spirals...non-mono-lithic models...non-male-histories...think Kristeva think...we look at a picture
of a chair in the center of a street in the center of a Croation suburb...we make our constellations...
we share our constellations...our constellations are all related...this is what our 'ship' er 'shop' becomes a map for...
topology of interests/experience/identity/collaboration...

Naka Pierce...Parlatore...K. Bhabha...Mohanty....Nourbese-Philip...Park...

Investigations through the week include Duchamp and in particular S. Howe's Singularities...artist in exile as a footnote...

...orbits/ to re-, recontextualize, rehistorisize, reconstruct, recompose...reinvestigate...i find gaps i want to exist inside of...a consistency of meaning is a fleeting instance of ambiguities betwen existences being overcome through desire?....but of negative capability...ethical relation...of what? For me?

The Shadow of the enterprise precedes the enterprise/ A photograph after the downpour/ knit a musical sound/ insects in motion/ in time the metaphor becomes the thing/ let us consistently defy the conventionally crazy/ people just aren't erudite like Duncan anymore...

Elizabeth Robinson Lecture on Poethics July 11, 2005

Chaos...formal disruption...bewilderment...ethics not as closed system...go beyond contexts to unknowns...rupture...flux...the experimental is always plural...repeat the experimental is always plural: the experimental is always plural: echo Cole: Cole echo: the experimental is always plural...cage, berrigan, poetics etc...

ERob invokes Hejinian...poet to improve the world... Kapil's Vertical Interrogation is brought up...Vertical...redefines responsible social action...dislodges reader from systems...this is important....

pressure against the areas where action BECOMES...the possible....repeat:rupture...

Vertical: voice is never specified....inquiry based (investigative?)...not conclusionary:this is important...not traditional male verse forms...resists static perception...a differnt kind of motion...momentum:momentum:momentum....the body can never be whole...blood as mode of travel...diaspora performed not defined....>TRAVEL<>TRAVEL<>TRAVEL<

see, Joan Retallack, Emannuel Levinas, and Pierre Joris.

Jena Osman Lectures on Is Poetry the News? July 14
What is the poetical and poethical use of found poetry?

Alfredo Jaar and Cecilia Vicuna presented as two artists not in opposition, but specifically dissimilar in ways...Cecilia using dissappearance...ephemerality...anti-massive structures in streetwork constellations...her famous precarios...and other projects primarily concerned with red yarn and all its metaphoric intonations...Jaar in a different mode still using ephemerality but on massive mass media events, spectacles in order to bring out the culture of the spectacles anesthesizing effect...

How do each of us (poets/artists) deal with the poethical question of found art in Osman's Categorical designations? My thoughts are towards Parasite Host Relationships vs. A Burroughsian Third mind vs. A Cageian or Berrigan centered collaboration through homage vs. group association collaboration(Surrealism, Oulipo, Dada, etc) ...are any of these unethical to me? Also back to the Cole constellation ....what is appropriation? Where are the borderlines between ethical bodies...Robinson--find the place beyond to make things possible...Re- historisize, re compose, re contextualize etc.

"What is the dialectic between making it and letting it be." Jackson Maclow

see, Walter Benjamin, Lisa Robinson, Reread Brain of the Earths Body, Preziosi.

"Locate a new moral center. Poets getting into trouble is a good thing." Jena Osman

Charles Bernstein Lectures on Objectivist Blues July 15

Notes: poetry as series of terraces...over a valley of language...the world, an event of language...chance and the poetics of not know where you are going!....multi-form and chaotic...ingenuity rather than solutions....get used to the going...particulars and their constellations....morality vs. aesthetics...everything is process...not to teach you how to think, rather, to show a different thinking...radical modernism reinvents aesthetics for a new context...innovation and the necessity of the new...the new is not related to improvement...but a grappling with the contemporary...the present...see Stein, Gladman, Osman, Retallack, Robinson...innovation as a marker of the human condition...failure as well...the innovators dilemma...a desire for refined works based on the best readers (whomever they are)...or disrupt what it is the best readers read! is admirable to fail at innovation or succeed at nothing...invention is not linear...not just Pound's "make it new" but make it live, see:moment:momentum globally, write locally...heh!

Echo Cole:echo Osman:echo Robinson:echo Bernstein.

the thinking text...the noetic position of travel....innovation and text as present making and vice