Monday, February 11, 2008

Just Published!

The Poem of a Life is the first critical biography of Louis Zukofsky, a fascinating and crucially important American modernist poet. It details the curve of his career, from the early Waste Land-parody “Poem beginning 'The'” (1926) to the dense and tantalizing beauties of his last poems, 80 Flowers(1978), paying special attention to the monumental, complex, and formally various epic poem “A”, on which Zukofsky labored for almost fifty years, and which he called “a poem of a life.”


celestual said...

they just did a big write up in the new york times on this and i thought of you - mister peterson..,glad to see great midns think alike.

Hayes said...

fuck yeah! It's in me hands right frickin now!

Hayes said...

I'm having serious issues with this bio ad i'm only on pg 200? up w/ scroggs ass!